Friday, 9 November 2012

Website ideas

Our homework for this lesson was to come with a website idea with notes on what colours/fonts/images I wanted to use.

My first idea was: 

my main theme was the colour blue influenced by the podigy's website idea they used in their banner because i think that it represents electricity. (an example of the prodigy's banner above)  I also chose this colour because that was one of the most common colours which came up in my mood board when I was researching ideas related to electronic music. it isn't very clear to see but there is a washed out picture of the 'eye' logo in the background. The 'x' in the pupil of the eye would link you to another page.  I included advertisement on the left and a social networking link bar on the right.  My idea for the background colour would be black. 

I then came up with a clearer plan for my website with different ideas which made the website look more professional and creative:
I split my paper into two different halves showing the entrance page (upper half) and then the main webpage (lower half)  I decided to stick to the Eye design. I used the colour blue again as it was the most common colour that come up in my mood board.  I tried to show some elements of electricity for example in the eye (upper half) i drew electric waves of blue in the eye.  i then designed my main web page.  I thought it was a good idea to put a youtube clip at the top right corner of the page because it will be the first thing that catches the audiences eye because it will be familiar to the audience. I then thought that it would be a good idea to put the tour dates underneith the youtube clip because then it is an easy way of promoting their music. Myself and my teacher noticed that in the middle of the page where annotations are there would be a large blank space.  So i thought it would be a good idea to have a washed out effect on a picture of the artist/actor from our video.

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