Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Frankenstein representation graphic

My representations show the idea of how I would like the setting and the image of the character in my music video.

  • I had the idea of an empty dark room.  The fact that it is empty represents loneliness.  The lyrics show loneliness and anger, so I thought that this could be shown in the setting.  The lighting of the location can show darkness, or anger.  The spotlight highlights the fact that he is on his own and makes him stand out even though the room is empty. 
  • I gave my character a casual average man of today look.  This shows that although the lyrics portray him as an individual, his image portrays him as the same as everyone else.  It shows that you don't need to look different to have different things going on in your head.  This is why the close ups of body parts idea is a big thing when we come to thinking about our pitch ideas because it can show that he is different and that his actions are different not necessarily his look. I specifically chose quite dark / bland colours to show his personality, e.g it isn't all bright and loud but dark and quiet. 
  • I chose to get an image where one side of the males face is in darkness and the other is in light.  This could represent a split personality.  If you linked this with the lyrics, he says 'I blame it on my A.D.D baby'  this is saying he cannot help his actions due to the A.D.D showing two sides to him.

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